About Us

TGSIO - Thank god Summer is Over 

Who we are

Thank god Summer is Over was created for everyone who’s grateful when the days are getting shorter, the temperature is dropping and powder is falling from the sky. To us wintertime equals playtime and we thank god that summer is over (TGSIO).

It’s always more fun to ride with friends. This is why TGSIO embraces collaboration with likeminded snow-heads and invite everyone to share in our search for amazing experiences and quality products.

Our products reflect our passion, lifestyle and attitude. To us, they are a tribute to the distinct feeling that summons snow lovers to the mountains year after year. We are dedicated to winter.

This brand was created for those carving, dropping 80 foot cliffs, doing short turns, skiing deep powder or hitting rails and big jumps in the snowpark. A brand for all of us who are grateful when the days are getting shorter, temperature are dropping and the powder is falling from the sky.

Our simple, eye-catching design and slogan says it all; Thank God Summer is Over.

You can find TGSIO in selected stores and online.

----- Japanese version -----


だんだんと夕暮れが早くなり、気温が下がり、空からちらちらと白いものが舞うと心が躍る--Thank god Summer is Overはそんな人々すべてのために生まれました。私達にとって冬は遊びの時間、夏の終わりを神様に感謝せずにはいられません (thank god that summer is over=TGSIO)。

